May 22, 2011

just passing through...

I tried to link here a video of Syrian riots and the dead, but it just turned on some 'sex-and-sarah-palin' -stuff - is youtube in league with Assads?

You have to have a birthday. today is mine. I'm old. Never mind... I don't mind as long as I don't realise it, that is: feel it in my bones... and I don't. I feel just the same as ever. Mostly horny.

But that bloody Syria... It doesn't help them, the publicity. All of us who want to know can watch those videos and nothing happens. Maybe it is money? On the other hand it could be a kind of fear: if we go and interfere, they shall come and interfere our things. Probably both.

I never liked television: it was like a tap and shit would flow from it and there was nothing you could do but take the shit.

Yes, it was supposed to go on but i forgot where...

May 20, 2011

the touch - how can i live

without it! NO WAY! But then i think of all those women that have been cut, their clitoris removed - and they can NEVER experience the joy of orgasm! So it is said - i thought that as they still have the g-point... but it is said that it doesn't function without clit - they have the same nerve knot... It is just so sad, so silently inconsolable grief...

this is a very tender pic...

and after all it is both of them that suffer - the joy of coming together is so immense, that you just make it a habit!

and this is better than the dead little girls with bullet holes instead  of eyes... but you just can't forget them...

May 12, 2011


I'd love to do that... and somewhere else too...

Public places are so arousing and make me horny...

May 10, 2011

it is hard

to keep your head and pride, not to cringe to anyone. Just have the facts. Facts are facts, you can't deny them - you can walk over them, forget or ignore,  but they remain facts! =)

do y u know why...

May 08, 2011


In an early morning five years ago I saw a lynx walking on the field just some metres away. It was surprisingly high and un-catlike in the faint morning mist. And it did move my heart. Gave me a piece of the wildness from it's heart - we shared that moment. And went our separate ways.

 This is a dead animal, but it did walk the wilds, hunted and slept in cold night and days... and now it is gone - just the shell remains...

Been a prisoner

here, in this house for 20 years. It is a fucking long time. Just one or two nights away once or twice a year. Never a holiday. Always at service. Might call that loyalty. Responsibility. LOVE.

Unbelievable if you start to think about it. Don't. It is just absolute freedom: I have chosen my prison. Not others. Not any belief I had or ambition.  And that, I believe, is ultimate freedom. 
Take it or leave it ---

I don't like competition,

I like unique. 

And then you are lonely. Alone. No-one cares. Never mind. I can stand it. I've stood it all my life!

May 07, 2011

some ... of style

“Base your fashion choices on what you want to feel.”
“Remember.  Bright colors are modern and trendy.”
“Trends come and go.  But as long as you dress for your body, you’ll always look good.”
“Cut is always more important than color.”
“You can always find the right clothes, if you know your body.”
“The way you dress is one way to tell the world who you are.”
“Be honest about what you like about your body.  Then simply highlight it in your style.”
“If you’re going to be stylish, you have to look in the mirror and like what you see.”
“Style can be an obstacle or a tool.  It can be an obstacle that blocks, if you let it. Or it can be a tool to help you feel the way you want to feel.”
“With age should come wisdom – and that includes your style.”
“Style can’t replace what you feel about yourself.  But style can enhance what you feel about yourself.”
“If you want to dress like the stars, remember celebrity style has to be filtered through you for your body.”
“Before you buy clothes you should always ask two questions: Are you going to use them enough and will they bring you joy?”
“With personal style, you get to paint your own canvas – your body.”

“Scars on the inside and out – they make you who you are.”
“Notice.  But don’t judge.”
“Aspiring to be an impossible Hollywood standard denies us to be who we really are.”
“Who you are doesn’t just come from what you are wearing.”
“Don’t let the internalization of images around you rule your style.  Know yourself.”
“Instead of using someone else as your aspiration, remember you are as unique as snowflakes.  Start with you.”
“Say yes to your body.  Say yes to your image.”
“Teach yourself to be accepting of who you are.”
“You are who you are.  There is no one like you.  Remember, you’re as unique as a snowflake.”
“Build your life on top of what you’ve been given.  Do the same with your style.”
“If you want inspiration, just look in the mirror.”

May 04, 2011

a word of a woman - hah!

It means nothing - a word of a woman. Only AGGRESSION  is worth reacting! Isn't it funny? And all my life I have been told vv! Why have they been conning me? Put of ignorance? Naive! Out of malice, just because they can, because narcists do not feel guilt! And this I have seen and met all my years, and they are many - my years, I mean. Nothing ever changesss....

When a man kills he is a hero. When a woman kills she is a treacherous, sly bitch. Simple justice based on an authoritarian and hierarchic thinking deeply rooted in human backbone.

You should always gain authority by your own doing, not hierarchy, because you change and the position achieved yesterday is not valid today...  But they sit there evermore, those old men long since rotten on their asses with pile! Nothing functions ...  Maybe it is basically envy: every bloody woman - even the dirtiest whore or beggar, can create life, and no man how ever high and mighty is able to do the same. So they kill.

A boy is 19 or 20 yrs old and he goes to the ARMY! He will be made a MAN. He'll get clothes, lodging, food and money, and them he'll get expensive toys to play with... planes and submarines and submachineguns etc.

A girl is 19 or 20 yrs old an she gets PREGNANT! She is a WHORE! Not even married! She gets nothing but contempt and underrating - she is a guilty and ignorant fool not to understand her own best and MARRY! That is the way of a proper, decent and respectable girl!!! To surrender, yield and submit, yezzzz.... And THEN you shall get safety and care and LOVE!!!

I just did not see it as my way... I'd had rather taken the gun than submitted - and in a way I did, but my gun was my pride, the only thing I've ever had - and the cuts it made were deep and deadly.  No looking back, (grin) no regrets - just on we go, me and my loneliness! There is nothing anyone can do.


May 02, 2011


She felt him in her guts. He got hard every time he saw her. That was all they wanted. But there were other things like bloody life wanting some living done, other than fucking.

He walked past her and she let  her hand slip and touch him. No way to stop it. He lay on his back on the table and she riding on him. hard. deep. just one minute. intense minute of heat and it was over.

She let a low dark sound and he growled. The day moved on...