A manuscript for a film - but you can't write a movie with words! Words are not enough! They lack the visual and the rhythm...
Oneliner: They are young, spend time together, make love all three, and then the boys die... and she is so alone -He's been badly treated, mental cruelty, by his parents, and one day in cold rage he shoots them...
and this girl meets this boy in an enchanted cafe, the lost souls....
Synopsis: Niki has two boyfriends - they form a happy trefoil. They'll soon be twenty, they have this secret, own life, old car, hot summer and the rosy future opening in front of them. Then one October night the boys get killed in a car accident. Niki is alone. She can not talk to anyone. because nobody knew, and no- one would accept the idea of a girl and two guys. The sorrow is crushing and Niki is placed in mental care. Next summer the depression starts to lift and she moves to her own apartment making plans for studies and future.
But her consciousness is confused: she can hear the boys talking and she can occasionally see them walking on the street or sitting somewhere, laughing and happy. The longing won't ease it's grip and she doesn't want any help. She decides to die.
One september day she just goes driving and knows, that she'll never return. The end shall be like a long-expected sleep after a tedious day. On the journey there is a stop-check ahead, and she turns to a narrow side road. It takes her to a village with a small factory, a river and a cafe in a blue house.
Boy is the first-born of ambitious parents: trained ever since birth, always towards next target, better and more complete, always an object of criticism and never accepted, ever inadequate. Boy is 23 and he knows, that nothing is enough. Somehow he is unable to go away from home, tear himself off from his father's circle of influence: his nonexistent self-esteem would break without the whip of a trainer, a goal.
Finally the pressure becomes unbearable. Boy shoots his parents. First mother and then father. He is free. He knows that the freedom shall only last for a short while: he'll be caught and sentenced to prison, but for that moment he wants to live! He takes his fathers motorbike and starts for the roads of early autumn. He drives until he comes to a village with an old factory, a river and a blue cafe.
The cafe is like a dream: jukebox, that plays the music of your soul, Madame, who knows what is needed, and the air to take you to the realm of secret feelings. Niki and Boy dance, dead souls touch and are awakened. Madame gives them a key and shows them the road: - Follow that road for ten miles and there you'll find peace...
The villa is old, by the lake. One can see and feel the autumn. Fire is burning and those two children, abandoned by life, can love each other for a moment. They tell the other everything they never could say in words - their longing, pain, phantoms and oppression, that destroyed the life of one and the other. And undisguised as well by soul as body they except life, this and each other, touch and are one for that timeless, shapeless, stolen week.
The telephone rings in the villa and Madame says: - They are on the way... Boy knows. He tells Niki to take the car and to drive, to drive like the devil, and she goes never looking back. She is pregnant and feels that she just has to go on day by day, choosing what to notice and what to pass, to build a world of her own.
Boy goes to the shore, sees the glimmer of light on the water. He sits leaning his back on a pine tree, lets his gaze wander on the shores and woods, and fires the gun.
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