August 16, 2010

a hole is a hole is a hole...

There are those absolute moments like holes in time... First thought of reality, but reality doesn't exist really. The holes exist. And time, holes in time... can I go through... maybe someday - or not... maybe i have always gone through... to the walk in pineforest in August long long ago... on the cliffs in the sun and the transistorradio screaming of broken railings and shining rails... Time and Death. And the acceptance, that you allow things to happen.
What they want is acceptance of everything. They are collective and I'm not a part of it. I'm a loner and different. Looking for... looking for moments... moments of light... absolute moment... like... no, not like anything... existing only for seconds, maybe, moments of thruth, love, sorrow and longing...
A supporting experience - what did i think? Funny and tragic.  It seems there is time from this moment to eternity, and then suddenly it is all over. END OF TIME...

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